Thursday, January 17, 2013

Get your hands wet for longer Drives

 Since hitting a golf ball revolves around geometry and physics, (those laws don’t change) you can bet that a good tip will always be a good tip.

    All golfers want to hit the ball longer, and to hit the ball longer you must have club head speed.  Now we have all heard things like club head lag, and late hit, but what is that?  Well it is very similar to using a hammer to drive a nail, but explaining to a golfer what it looks like and feels like is difficult.   I picked up the following tip from Martin Hall at a PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit in Port St. Lucie over ten years ago, and will be forever grateful for his words.  I have used this visualization to help my students for over a decade.

Imagine you are standing in a swimming pool addressing a golf ball and the water level is at the top of your wrists.   As you reach the top of your backswing and start down, remember this:  All great players get their hands back in the water before their club head gets back in the water.  If you don’t do this then you are casting the club, and loosing valuable club head speed.  Rehearse getting your hands wet before your club head gets wet and you will be launching longer drives soon.

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